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Environmental certificate for our partner Plusnet GmbH

Plusnet GmbH - an EnBW company - has been a highly valued partner of ORC for many years.

On this special occasion, Mr. Jürgen Lutz (Voice Switch Engineer) from Plusnet GmbH, as well as Mr. Michael Liebel (Managing Director), Ms. Lea Schmitt (Marketing) and Mr. Temu Diaab (Head of Sales) came together.
Mr. Lutz from Plusnet GmbH was presented with the environmental certificate for the year 2022 by ORC Managing Director Mr. Michael Liebel (picture 1 right). Plusnet is an important and significant business partner of ORC, which is also reflected in its ecological footprint.
Together with Mr. Diaab (Head of Sale at ORC) and Lea Schmitt (Marketing at ORC) - both in picture 2 - it was explained how the figures in the background of the certificate are put together. A partnership with ORC supports the sustainability strategy of its business partners. By reducing damage to the environment and health, this partnership also conserves resources in the energy sector.

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