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Environmental certificate for our partner TelemaxX Telekommunikation GmbH

We were also able to present our environmental certificate to our business partner TTelemaxX Telekommunikation GmbH.

TelemaxX Telekommunikation GmbH gives decommissioned technology another life cycle by using our refurbished transmission technology, thereby saving an exemplary amount of CO2 emissions.
Michael Liebel (ORC), Lars Fink (TelemaxX), Stephan Cappel (TelemaxX) and Lea Schmitt (ORC) met for the handover (from left to right) to thank them personally for the great cooperation. We would also like to thank TelemaxX Telekommunikation GmbH for their help in climate protection by reducing their ecological footprint and look forward to continuing our cooperation.


Environmental certificate for our partner Ericsson

We are pleased to award Ericsson our environmental certificate for the year 2022.

For this special occasion, Mr. Thomas Schoett (Service Delivery Manager) and Mr. Heiko Lindhorst (Service Delivery Manager) from Ericsson, as well as Mr. Michael Liebel (Managing Director), Ms. Lea Schmitt (Marketing) and Mr. Temu Diaab (Head of Sales) came together.
By working together with ORC, Ericsson has been able to save a considerable amount of CO2, thus helping to significantly protect our environment. We would like to thank everyone involved in the company for their commitment and look forward to continuing to work together to make the future more climate-friendly.


Environmental certificate for our partner Plusnet GmbH

Plusnet GmbH - an EnBW company - has been a highly valued partner of ORC for many years.

On this special occasion, Mr. Jürgen Lutz (Voice Switch Engineer) from Plusnet GmbH, as well as Mr. Michael Liebel (Managing Director), Ms. Lea Schmitt (Marketing) and Mr. Temu Diaab (Head of Sales) came together.
Mr. Lutz from Plusnet GmbH was presented with the environmental certificate for the year 2022 by ORC Managing Director Mr. Michael Liebel (picture 1 right). Plusnet is an important and significant business partner of ORC, which is also reflected in its ecological footprint.
Together with Mr. Diaab (Head of Sale at ORC) and Lea Schmitt (Marketing at ORC) - both in picture 2 - it was explained how the figures in the background of the certificate are put together. A partnership with ORC supports the sustainability strategy of its business partners. By reducing damage to the environment and health, this partnership also conserves resources in the energy sector.

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